Chinese translation for "i want to gossip with you"
Related Translations:
gossip: n.1.街谈巷议,闲谈;闲话,流言蜚语。2.碎嘴子,饶舌者。3.漫笔,随笔。4.〔古、英方〕密友。vi.聊天;说(别人的)闲话。 Gossiping and lying go hand in hand. 〔谚语〕说短道长,必然撒谎。-er =gossip monger n.爱闲聊的人,搬弄是非者。-ist 闲话栏作家。adj.-y 爱闲谈的;爱说闲话的;漫谈式的。
want: vt.1.(想)要,想望;想得到。2.需要,必要;必须。3.征求;征聘;通缉。4.缺少,没有;不够,差欠。 I want you to come. (= 〔俚语〕 I want for you to come. 或 I want (that) you should come ). 我希望你来。 What do you want with me 你找我有什么事? You're